Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekly Report: Rebekah, 9/20/08

Math: all checked off

English: had to re-do a couple of grammar assignments from last week. The first, about pronouns, is greatly improved. Partly, she didn't understand the directions.

The second, however, still seems to be stumping her. She's not understanding verbs and verb phrases. After our Sabbath Week, I'll go over this assignment with her and then I'll give her more practice in this before we move on. I'll pull in some text from Project Gutenberg and have her split each sentence between the complete subject and complete predicate (practice and preparation for diagramming) and then underline the verb or verb-phrases in the sentences.

Her assignments from later in the week show a beginning understanding, but verb phrases still elude her.

History: she read a bit about the Congress of Vienna, but that's about it.
She's been pretty tired lately. We have an appointment next week with her naturopath to discuss the results of her lab work and to see about getting her on some supplements to help her energy levels. We'll start her science reading (kitchen science) and I hope to get back to our informal French lessons after our Sabbath Week.

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